Jargon Buster
We at The Marbrook Centre, with our fellow professionals at the National Health Service love an acronym (NHS!) So if we ever fall into the bad habit of using abbreviations in conversations, please tell us to stop. Meanwhile, here is a useful A to Z ‘health-speak’ guide.
Acquired Brain Injury Acquired brain injury (ABI) is brain damage caused by events after birth, rather than as part of a genetic or congenital disorder such as fetal alcohol syndrome, perinatal illness or perinatal hypoxia.[1] ABI can result in cognitive, physical, emotional, or behavioural impairments that lead to permanent or temporary changes in functioning.
Allied Health Professional
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also known as Motor Neurone disease (MND)
Care Quality Commission – the independent regulator of health and social care in England, who monitor, inspect and rate hospitals, GPs and care homes, for their fundamental standards of care. These inspections are then rated as Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.
Commissioners for Quality and Innovation – are targets local NHS commissions can set, to drive and reward excellence for achieving specific care goals.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – are amendments to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, allows restraint and restriction to be used, but ONLY if they are in the person’s best interest.
Frontotemporal Dementia, original known as Pick’s disease.
Learning Disability – living with a learning disability means you find it harder to learn certain life skills.
Multi-Disciplinary Team – a group of clinical professionals working together to provide the best care programme.
Mental Health
Mini Mental State Examination – is a sensitive and reliable 30 point questionnaire that can help to establish the level of cognitive impairment.
Motor Neurone Disease – is a rare condition that progressively damages parts of the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness and wasting.
Major Trauma Centre – 26 established in England of which 22 treat adults, each linked to a number of supporting Trauma Units (TUs)
feeding Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy – is a way of introducing food and fluids via a thin tube passing through the skin and into the stomach.
Pro Re Nata – is a Latin phrase describing medicines that are taken ‘as needed’.
Responsible Clinician – is the person who has overall responsibility for the care and treatment of an individual being assessed and treated under the Mental Health Act.
Rehabilitation Medicine
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Registered Nurse
Rehabilitation Prescription – a document detailing the rehabilitation needs of a severely injured individual.
Recovery, Re-enablement and Rehabilitation
Speech and Language Therapist – assess and treat speech, language and communication problems.
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults – is to protect any person aged 18 or over from abuse. Forms of abuse include; physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, financial abuse, neglect, professional abuse, sexual abuse, racism and sexism. The Cambridgeshire Adult Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 0345 045 5202 or Cambridgeshire.direct@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Specialist Rehabilitation Prescription – a document detailing the rehabilitation required for those with more complex needs.
Trauma Audit Research Network Trauma
Clinical Group for Major Trauma – which reports recommendations to the Department for Health (England) for a coordinated pathway of care.
Trauma Units
Major Trauma Centres.
United Kingdom Rehabilitation Outcomes Collaborative – the national database for specialist rehabilitation.

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